Sunday, May 29, 2011


Major Owen Thomas Yates, Jr. 1922-2000

World War II
Korean War

A  proud veteran.

My hero.

*Korean Service Medal of Honor
*American Campaign WW II Medal of Honor
*National Defense Medal of Honor
*Europeaan African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal of Honor
*Army of Occupation WW II Medal of Honor
*World War Victory Medal of Honor

He was a good man and a good father.  He dragged us (my brother and me) around the world by himself after our mother died.  Although he had other  “options”,  he did it because of love and honor. Single father. Widowed. Family. Army.

He was strict and fair.  Generous and kind. Rough  and gentle.


His life was devoted to the military.

*Military Merit Medal of Honor
Career Army.  He sacrificed his happiness for his country and his two boys. He tried his entire life to provide everything and anything  for us. 

He was all Army......and my hero.
I loved him
and he loved me.

When I told him I was gay, he still loved me.....perhaps even more. He never wavered.  Ever. Not once. Ever.
When he was dying, he told me how much he loved Michael and how grateful he was that I had Michael in my life to take care of me when he was gone.  Integrity.  Safe.  Loved.


He breathed honor.

I miss him.

The Legion of Merit

Awarded for exceptionally meritorious
conduct in the performance of outstanding
services and achievements.  The Legion
of Merit is one of only two United States
military decorations issued as a neck order.

He was very proud of The Legion of Merit.
I wanted to bury him with it, but was not
allowed to. He and my mother are buried together just below the Amphitheatre and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldires at Arlington National Cemetary.

Peaceful and quiet.

Thank you, Dad. Thank you for your example, love, courage, and devotion.


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