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Monday, December 6, 2010

Buck Rarebit

Old school Welsh Rarebit. Cheese on toast or, more importantly, melted cheese sauce on toast. In the 18th century it was considered poor peoples food because only the wealthy could afford butcher's meat in Wales. The poor man's meat was cheese.  Rarebit is simply toast topped with a basic sharp cheddar cheese sauce that includes  beer, worchestershire, cayenne, and dijon mustard.  The sauce is poured over toasted bread and broiled. That's it.  There are a few varients on Welsh Rarebit. Adding tomato to the cheese sauce creates a Blushing Bunny.  The Hot Brown is a variation with turkey, ham, bacon, and tomato.

Crowning Welsh Rarebit with jiggly fried eggs elevates it to Buck Rarebit.

On our way home from church yesterday I asked Michael if he'd like pizza for dinner.  Pause.  Or, Welsh Rarebit topped with sunny-side-up fried eggs and home fries.  He thought about it for a moment and said, "I'm leaning toward the Rarebit."

I should have just asked, "Do you mind cooking dinner?" It wasn't intentional.  Really.  I can't fry eggs.  I can poach the hell out of any egg.  I can make lovely omelettes, souffles, and quiches, but  I can't properly fry a stupid egg.  On top of that, Michael's home fries are better than mine.  He takes the time to coax the natural caramlization from the  potatoes' exteriors while retaining their luscious creamy interiors.  I don't.  I turn an oiled cast iron skillet to high heat, toss in the potatoes, and leave the room.  Why?  If I knew, I wouldn't do it.  I just do.  Frying eggs and making home fries are two of Michael's many kitchen fortes.

I made the cheese sauce for our Welsh Rarebit last night.  While I sat on a kitchen stool drinking wine, Michael masterfully cooked the rest of our dinner.

I must admit, it was enjoyable. 

The eggs were perfectly cooked.  The white edges were crisp, grasping onto the gooey cheese. The jiggly runny yolks oozed into the cheese sauce when sliced.  Egg heaven.  The potatoes were crisp and creamy with salty bites of country ham and bacon dotted throughout.  Perfect foil to the rich Rarebit.

Snipped chives added color with a gratuitous  nod to freshness, but were totally lost in the creamy cheesy egg goodness. 

Eggs are always delicious on top of anything and everything. Welsh Rarebit turned into Buck Rarebit is a stress free way to enjoy them. 


Especially when someone else does the cooking.

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